Advertising videos, animation, editing and video

Lights, camera, action! Let’s start - a film about your company, organization, institution or event. Thanks to cooperation with experienced producers as well as the use of modern production techniques and professional recording equipment, we create proprietary information and advertising films as well as original radio spots.

Animated videos

Animated videos

2D, 3D, SVG, CSS and time-lapse animations

We will make traditional 2D, 3D, SVG, CSS animations for you, as well as stop-motion drawing and photo animations. Unique, animated graphics are a perfect solution for websites, do product promotion or as infographics educating recipients on specific topics. Dynamics, unique plot and interesting animation solutions - these are the features of our animations.

Video filming

Production of advertising films

Each production is prepared down to the smallest detail, because we know that everything matters. A committed team of producers and creators, in a precisely coordinated production process, analyzes and verifies every element, no matter how small it is. The experience of the creators is a guarantee of a successful and refined image. Shots from the drone will make your movie take on a Hollywood atmosphere, properly made, with slow-motion effects.

Video filming
Video editing

Video editing

Video editing

Modern filming and editing techniques offer unlimited possibilities when it comes to creativity and imagination. Without huge financial outlays, we can create extraordinary projects that delight with their momentum. The films are shot both indoors and outdoors, using drones and other solutions. We will take care of professional post-processing, special effects, color and sound balance.


Cartoon or animated film script

A storyboard is a sort of screenplay in the form of drawings. Nowadays, it’s the basis when creating films and animations, because thanks to it, people working on the material can make it easier from the beginning till the end of the project. Animated storyboards, or animatics, are also used for the initial presentation of materials before their full implementation.


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Films with international awards or B-class films - they all have their die-hard fans. Knowing today’s possibilities and special effects, who is not amused by the plastic Godzilla from a Japanese film about the monster? You can laugh at this movie, but it’s a classic and it’s definitely worth watching - even if the only reason to do so is to realize how spectacularly the film industry has developed, including one of its fields - special effects. We can watch those in many contemporary films, such as Avatar. Despite the development of digital technology, we find it important to pay tribute to such creators as Stanley Kubrick, who filmed his greatest work, A Space Odyssey: 2001, without one, even the smallest, digital special effect. And yet, the results are remarkable.

Nowadays, big studios no longer have a monopoly on making movies. Lately, movies of all types have become an excellent tool for self-presentation and information. Even in a short video, one can include extremely relevant and important content. A moving image sends a more understandable message to us than piles of written pages.

Just visit youtube to find out. Some people, who are quite addicted to filming, tend to upload films of their supermarket purchases or their own breakfast or newly bought socks. It’s a real madness.

We want to use the great art of filming to present a company, event, product or person - both professionally and in business. A film about the production process, trade fairs, company anniversary, important investment, visits at an international level, training, integration event - we are ready for its implementation and production.

Our experience so far tells us that no movie is the same as another one - each has its own requirements, challenges and unexpected turns. Even so, the happiness and adventure of making each movie surpasses all fears and doubts. Each production is a real joy for us. Movie production consists of a huge number of elements and their coordination is the key to success. All individual elements, such as scenario, organization on the set, editing, music are carefully analyzed and, if necessary, verified. Our experience gives us the feeling that we will always rise to the expectations, providing the best movie possible.

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Answer the questions and get free service pricing. In our offer you will find many services, such as graphic design, personalized book calendars, company calendars, ecological calendars advertising gadgets, printouts, advertising movies and advertising photos as well as website programming, including e-commerce, applications, or AR and VR systems.

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